Image Restoration
We use a variety of digital imaging techniques to ensure your photo presentation will come to life on the screen.
Colour enhancement, brightness and contrast adjustment of all images are automatically included in every Story Weavers production. More detailed image restoration is charged separately according to the number of images to be repaired and the extent of the damage.
For older images damaged by light, water, poor handling or simply the passage of time, our image restoration service can remove scratches, fill in missing sections, brighten colours and even out texture.
Even recent photos taken on digital cameras can benefit from red-eye removal, colour enhancement and contrast adjustment for DVD presentation.
Here are some examples:-
If you are lucky enough to have older family photos, they may need a bit of care and attention to bring out their best.
Proof marks were removed from the digital copy of this 1940's photo and a decorative frame was added to replace the missing corners. Overall clarity of the image was enhanced.
Insights, Inspiration & Ideas

Care and Handling of Photographs